Thursday, 19 May 2016

story from the streets | Silence Speaks a Thousand Words

Hi, everyone!
So, it's official: Oh Stammered has been launched TODAY! Welcome!  ♥ ❤
As a welcome post, I want you to meet my lovely city, Surabaya. Surabaya, where I've been 21 years living (and never got any other home besides Surabaya. Thanks for the Stockholm Syndrome, Surabaya!). 

Few days ago, I went to photo-hunt with my friend. I was about to photo-hunt in Ampel, but my friend forgot about it lol. Then, we were passing this street and... "Whoa, this one is a good place for photo-hunting too". We decided to stop in a Ruko, and yup - our adventure starts!

And that place is called: Jalan Veteran. 

Actually, we stopped in Jalan Gatotan and have a loooong good walk until we reached Jalan Veteran and mesmerized by Hoofdbureau. 

When we stopped in Hoofdcommissariaat, my friend was called by a police whom sitting in front of this building and he asked us to come in and took some pictures! Waaah~~~ Sadly, my camera was kind of weird during the indoor photo session so - sorry ))):

Welcome, everyone!
And I hope you guys will like ALL my posts and be ready for next photography posts 


Thanks to: Tian Eka, for being damn patience as hell for my grumbles all the way and pointing every good spots to capture. Thanks! 

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Thank you for leaving your trace! I will follow your trace down then! (: